
The Pinckney Cemetery is located on West Main Street (West M-36) to the east of Pinckney Elementary School.
Cemetery lots are currently $750 for Village residents (with proof of residency within the last 10 years) and $850 for non-residents per lot. Columbarium niches are $1500 per niche. You must contact the Clerk to purchase lots. We now accept credit cards for these purchases.
Our sexton is Gary Nicholas. He can be contacted at 734-878-2940 or nbmemorials@aol.com
The Village will buy back unused lots for $75 per lot. Private sales of burial rights are allowed, but the sale and transfer must be recorded with the Clerk for a $10 fee.
Additional rules and regulations for the Pinckney Cemetery apply, and are set forth in the ordinances and in the Cemetery Rules. The cemetery is managed by an appointed Cemetery Board. Cemetery Board Bylaws are here. If you are interested in serving as a member of the board, please contact the clerk at 734-878-6206.
CEMETERY CLEAN UP – Volunteer opportunity annually in Spring and Fall.
APRIL 5, 2025, with a back up day of APRIL 12, 2025 in case of inclement weather. The Village invites volunteers each spring and fall for CEMETERY CLEAN UP 
When the leaves are falling or when Easter is just around the corner, anyone interested in getting some fresh air and exercise is welcome to join us. Check back here or the Village Facebook page for dates. The time will be from 9 am until noon. We will have a few rakes and blowers available, but feel free to bring your own equipment as well.
Since 2014, the Village of Pinckney has participated in the national program, WREATHS ACROSS AMERICA. The 2025 date is Saturday, December 13, 2025. We are always looking for volunteers to help with the program and placement of wreaths as well as donors to help us meet our goal of providing every veteran buried in our cemetery with a wreath from the program. For more details, contact the Village Clerk or visit https://www.wreathsacrossamerica.org/MI0093 . To sponsor a wreath, just select Village of Pinckney Cemetery or St. Mary Cemetery Pinckney from the drop down menu.
NEW! Columbarium Niches Available
A Columbarium is a permanent resting place for cremated remains. Columbarium is derived from the Latin word devocate, or “a nesting place for doves.” Cremation is not new to the world. Archaeologists discovered urns for cremains in Southeast Asia that date back 1500-2000 years. Native Americans used cremation well before the Europeans arrived in North America. There is nothing in the Christian or Jewish traditions that forbids cremation. Cremation is one of the fastest growing methods for final disposition and has taken place for many centuries in other countries. In 1975, cremation accounted for 6% of all final disposition in the U.S. In 2010 estimates are that cremains will account for 39% of burials. Cremation is increasing by more than 20% a year in the United States and Canada. Cemeteries are running out of space; land is becoming scarce and more expensive; Pinckney Cemetery is landlocked and unable to expand to meet the needs of future generations for traditional burials.
Historical Headstone Repair
The Cemetery Board is looking into repairing damaged headstones in the historical section of the cemetery. Time and weather have taken a toll on them. The board will be establishing an “adopt a grave” program in the near future that will allow local residents interested in securing our history to donate to the renovation and recovery of these stones.
Some of the stones we are looking at repairing this summer can be seen below.

Cemetery Maps
Please note that these maps are for informational purposes only. The maps do not reflect available plots. Please contact the Clerk’s office if you need cemetery plot information.
Pinckney Cemetery Map (entire)
Section 1/Block 1&2
Section 2/Block 1&2
Section 2&3/Block 3&4
Section 2/Block 4
Section 3/Block 1, 2, 3, 4 and Section 4/Block 3
Section 4/Block 3&4 and Section 5/Block3
Section 4/Block 1&2 and Section 5/Block 1
Section 5/Block 4 and Section 6/Block 2&3
Section 6/Block 1 and Section 5/Block 2
Having trouble viewing the maps? You’ll need the free program Adobe Reader. Get it here!
History of the Cemetery
A short history of the Pinckney Cemetery
Interested in Genealogy? Use our searchable database to locate your ancestors buried in the Pinckney Cemetery.
Pinckney Cemetery Plot Details March 2022