Planning Commission

The Village Council created the Planning Commission by resolution with power to make, adopt, extend, add to, or otherwise amend, and to carry out plans for lands within the Village limits.  The bylaws for the Planning Commission can be found here.

The Planning Commission meets the first Monday, of most months, at 7:00 pm in the lower level of Village Hall.  See the master calendar of meetings on the home page for details.  The Planning Commission also serves as the Village’s Downtown Development Authority, which meets immediately following the Planning Commission meetings.

The Planning Commission is made up of six residents-at-large and a representative from Village Council.  To assist in addressing the DDA’s function of the Commission, in April 2024, Village Council amended the Village Code to allow for two (2) non-voting ad hoc members.  Those members must have interest in property located in the DDA district or an officer, member, trustee or employee of a legal entity having interest in property located in the DDA.  The Village Zoning Administrator and Planner also attend these monthly meetings.  If you have interest in an appointment to the Planning Commission, or one of many other non-elected positions, please download the Application for Appointment and return it to the Village Clerk.  

All applications and inquiries for the Planning Commission should be directed to the Village President Jeffrey Buerman. 

Current Members:

           Christine Oliver               Term Expires 1/2026

           Savanna Gee                      Term Expires 1/2026 

          Alex Smith, Vice Chair     Term Expires 1/2027

          Bree Kraut, Chairperson   Term Expires 1/2027

          Trisha Wagner                   Term Expires 1/2028

          Justin McInnis                  Term Expires 1/2028

          Rob Coppersmith              Council Representative



In order to have your materials considered for review, please make sure they are turned in at LEAST by the following dates:    


NOTE:  Meetings that require a public hearing, such as a special use permit, require the materials to be submitted earlier.  Check with the Zoning Administrator for deadline.

2023-24 PC Annual Report to Council

2022-23 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report to Council

PC Annual Report 2019-2020


Agendas and Minutes

Agendas for upcoming meeting can also be found on the home page.

The Clerk, as keeper of the records, has official copies of meeting minutes for review in the office Monday – Thursday 8AM-4PM.  However, you can search meeting minutes by following this link to minutes on demand.

Meeting Packets

Packets for upcoming meeting can be found HERE.


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