Water & Sewer
Water and Sewer Services
–> To learn more about the 2023 water and sewer rate changes, see the Rate Study here.
As a resident of Pinckney, you are most likely provided with sanitary sewer and water services. Properties may vary – some have sewer service only, or water only, but the majority of residences have both. Pinckney uses a lagoon system for sanitary sewer processing. This consists of settling ponds, aerators, treatments and sand beds that remove solids and contaminants before discharging the remaining treated wastewater. State of Michigan regulations on the levels of sodium, phosphorous and other chemicals that can be discharged are strictly followed, and the Village consistently meets these stringent requirements.
Pinckney’s water is pumped from wells and treated before being piped to residences and businesses. Fluoride levels are 0.3 mg/L. Despite treatment, you will find that Village water is high in iron and quite hard (299 mg/L). A water softener is recommended, since hard water can be destructive to surfaces and appliances. However, per ordinance, all water softeners must be disconnected from the sanitary sewer system, and discharged into a drywell or similar device. The Department of Public Works can help determine if your water softener is connected correctly. Please contact them at 878-0666.
Please refer to our ordinance link to view water and sewer ordinances.
SAW Grant Results 2023
Documents detailing results of the study can be found here.
Hydrant Flushing
Spring Fire Hydrant Flushing:
The Pinckney DPW crew flushes hydrants throughout the Village of Pinckney in the spring. Regular flushing of hydrants serves two purposes:
- To clean the mineral accumulations naturally deposited in waterlines
- To test the function and performance of the fire hydrants.
The safety of the water we supply is not diminished by this process. If you experience cloudy or discolored water after flushing, it is recommended that you run an outside water faucet or the cold-water taps within your home/business until clear.
For more information, please call Village Hall at (734) 878-6206.
The above report can be found here : 2023 Water Quality Report
The correct value for our system’s most recent 90th percentile is 0 part per billion (ppb) for lead and 0.3 ppm for copper. Both of these values are well below the action levels of 15 ppb for lead and 1.3 ppm for copper.
Find Information About Your IPerl Meter here
Utility Billing
Utility bills are mailed quarterly to all residents of the Village. Residents will receive their quarterly bills between the first and third of the months of January, April, July and October. Payments are due the following month on the first Thursday of the month. If you are moving in, or out, of the village please contact us in advance to make sure that the account is finaled and changes are made to update the account information.
On June 12, 2017, Village Council passed a resolution to raise rates for services to cover costs. These rates do not provide incremental revenue, but rather cover the costs to conduct the services. Some of these rates have not increased since 2005.
View and Pay Your Bill
Residents may now view and pay their bills online using the following link: Utility Billing through BS&A
Email Billing
The Village is attempting to set up email billing but we still need more residents to participate to make it effective. If you wish to have your quarterly bill emailed to you rather than mailed, please email clerk@villageofpinckney.org with your name, property address and the email address you want utilized.
Budget Billing
The Village is now able to set up budget billing for your utility bills. This plan allows you to pay the same amount each month. As long as the budget payment is received there are no late fees applied quarterly. Budget billing accounts are reconciled once a year and any shortfall will be billed or credit applied to your account at that time. If you are interested, please contact the Clerk’s Department.
Pay Your Bill
NEW! You can have your utility bill automatically deducted from your checking or savings account. Fill out this form and return to village hall to enroll in this free program.
The Official Payments site has been removed. For future online payments, click on the link above under View and Pay Your Bill. Not only can you see your bill, but you can now pay your bill through BS&A/Point and Pay.
2016 Clean Water Report
2018-09-19 Pinckney Village of 05322 letter
2018-08-01 Pinckney WSSN 05322 Summary
CCR Report 2019
Water Quality Report 2021
2022 Water Quality Report
2023 Water Quality Report
PVB Back Flow Prevention Devices
The Village of Pinckney has adopted the Michigan Department of Public Health code R325.11401 to R325.11407 which requires that all PVB devices be tested on a routine basis. Experience shows that there is not a mechanical device, which can be depended upon unless it is routinely tested and maintained. Backflow prevention devices must be tested only by certified backflow prevention testers who are knowledgeable of the workings of the devices and fully realizes the hazards of cross connection with a potable water system. At minimum, the State requires that these devices be tested every three years, and you are required to submit a copy of the test reports to the Village Offices.
For a list of certified testers in the area, click here.
Water Softener Rebate Program
We’ve revived the water softener rebate program to encourage compliance with our ordinance, which states that water softeners cannot be discharged into the sewer line. If you have moved to the Village since 2008, you might want to check this out! Eligible property owners can receive a 50% rebate, up to $300, for installing a drywell or toward the purchase of a no-discharge water conditioner. See below for details about the program. Still have questions? Call or email us at Village Hall.
Water Softener Rebate Program
Water Softener Inspection Form
Need to connect a new business or residence to the water or sewer system?
WS Connection Application
Want to connect an irrigation meter to save money on your outside water usage?
Water Meter Installation
Intro letter to 2nd meter installation Irrigation Water Meter Install Diagram
Fire Hydrant Rental
Currently the Village Council has placed a moratorium on all hydrant water sales for use outside the village limits.