Master Plans

Master Plan

The Master Plan is the primary official Village document which sets forth a growth and development
vision for the future of the community. The Village derives its authority for the preparation of a Master
Plan from the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, Public Act 33 of 2008, as amended. MCL 125.3833 Section
33 states:

“A master plan shall address land use and infrastructure issues and may project 20 years or more
into the future. A master plan shall include maps, plats, charts and descriptive, explanatory and
other related matter and shall show the Planning Commission’s recommendations for the
physical development of the planning jurisdiction.”

The approved 2020 Village of Pinckney Master Plan can be found HERE.

2020 Future Land Use Map

The Livingston County Master Plan, adopted in 2019, can be found  here:

Parks & Recreation Master Plan

The Pinckney-Putnam Parks and Recreation Master Plan articulates a vision for parks and recreation in
Putnam Township and the Village of Pinckney. The purpose of this Plan is to guide recreation planning
and development efforts of Pinckney and Putnam and is the official document to be used by the communities to guide decisions
regarding parks and recreation. The revised and updated Plan is intended to meet state standards for
community recreation planning that are necessary to gain eligibility for grant programs.

Pinckney-Putnam Parks and Rec Master Plan 2018-2022

Pinckney-Putnam Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2023-2027




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