
Pinckney participates with Livingston County and other local municipalities in efforts to prevent pollution and keep our watershed clean.

The Village representative to the Huron River Watershed Council is  resident, Matt Stuk. Please call Village Hall if you have questions or concerns and we will have Mr. Stuk return your call.

Illicit Discharge Elimination Plan (IDEP) Implementation Project:

The Village of Pinckney informed the public of this project on December 12 2005 at a regularly scheduled  Village Council meeting. President Rebecca Foster outlined the purpose of the IDEP and the MDEQ Clean Water Initiative Grant, received by the the Village in 2005 in the amount of $41,245 with a local match by the Village of $14,000. President Foster summarized each of the tasks included in the implementation project, including Information Collection and Dissemination; Illicit Discharge Investigation and Elimination; Prepare and Implement IDEP Evaluation; and Administration.

The Huron River Watershed Council has determined that non-point source pollution is the primary source of water pollution in our watershed. The Village of Pinckney, as part of the state and federally mandated Phase II General Stormwater Permit, is working to eliminate such sources of pollution by identifying illicit discharges and taking steps to eliminate them. The IDEP implementation project will provide the necessary tools and information to ensure improved water quality.  Below are some helpful links:


Stop Pointless Pollution

Guide to Stormwater

Huron River Watershed Annual Report

Huron River Watershed Council – www.hrwc.org

Livingston County – www.co.livingston.mi.us

MDOT – http://www.michigan.gov/stormwatermgt



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