Zoning Department
The Zoning Administrator can be reached through Village Hall by appointment. They can also be reached by email at zoning@villageofpinckney.org.
Planning a home improvement project?
Land Use Permits are required for most construction (including decks, fences, additions and pools) or changes in use of a building. Click here for general requirements or contact our office before starting a project. Livingston County Building Department will not issue their required permits without a Village land use permit.
Please keep in mind that projects need to adhere to not only the Zoning Ordinance but also the Technical Standards for Design & Construction.
Know What’s Below Before You Dig! Call MISS DIG 811. More information HERE.
Planning a commercial type project, changing a use or proposing a development?
Start here…….
Does the use fit within the proposed site?
Size, setbacks, parking requirements?
Correct zoning? does it require a special land use or rezoning? (zoning map)
Does the project require a site plan?
Click here for a flow chart of these planning processes. If you are ready to move forward, consider scheduling a meeting with the Zoning Administrator and/or a pre-planning meeting with the Village Planner, Engineer & staff.
Links to ordinances, applications and additional information below.
Zoning Documents:
Fee Schedule:
Fee Schedule adopted March 28, 2022
Note: All fees listed in the Fee Schedule can be made by cash at the Village Offices or by check made payable to the Village of Pinckney. Utility bill payments may be made via credit card through BS&A here.
Zoning Ordinance and Map:
Village of Pinckney Zoning Ordinance
Pinckney Zoning Map
Most recent amendments:
Ordinance 173 – Signs
Ordinance163- Shipping Containers as Storage Buildings
Ordinance160 – Amendment to 152.388
Ordinance 167 – Alternative Energy
Accessory Dwelling Units Ordinance
Pinckney Marijuana Establishments Buffer Zone (approximate)
Technical Standards for Design & Construction:
Technical Standards adopted 01/11/2021
Amendments since the adoption of the Tech Standards:
Amendment to Tech Standards – Section 01 20 04 – Connections to the Public Water Supply adopted 6/13/2022
Amendment to Tech Standards – Section 01 20 07 – Driveway Standards adopted 6/13/2022
Application for waiver of Tech Standards
Application for waiver of Tech Standards-fillable
Requirements for Waiver of Tech Standards
Central Business District Design Standards:
CBD Design Standards with Plant appendix
Zoning Forms:
Please note: All fillable forms can be printed and brought to Village Hall during regular business hours or saved to your computer and emailed to: zoning@villageofpinckney.org. Please DO NOT SEND FORMS OR CORRESPONDENCE IN .jpeg (picture) format – .pdf only please.
Land Use Permit Process:
Land Use Permit Application
Waivers: Are you resealing a driveway, re-roofing or re-siding a house, adding gutters or replacing windows? If so, then all you need is a Land Use Waiver at no charge. A permit may still be required by Livingston County.
Land Use Permit Waiver application
Commercial Reoccupation
Site Plan Review:
Do you need to go through the Site Plan Approval Process?
- Are you changing the size of the building by more than 500 square feet, or moving the building?
- Does the lot abut a residential district?
- Does the project require a variance from council?
- Are you resurfacing an off street parking lot that will alter the drainage properties of the property?
- Is this a site condominium project?
- Does the project require a special land use permit?
- Is there a change in use, or a development that could affect the compliance with the zoning regulations?
If you answered Yes to any of the above, you do need to go through the planning process.
Flow Chart of the Planning Process
Pre Planning Meeting Request
Do you want a PRE-PLANNING meeting with the Zoning Administrator, DPW and other officials before the plan is submitted to the Planning Commission? If so, do you want the Village Engineers, Attorney or other professionals/consultants at the table?
- Fill out a Pre-Planning Meeting Request Form
- Village staff, including the Zoning Administrator and DPW will be happy to meet with you to discuss your development plans. Note An escrow account will need to be established for consultant costs.
The purpose of preliminary site plan review is to confirm general compliance with the Zoning Ordinance, conformance with Village Technical Standards, and suggest changes, if necessary, prior to final site plan review. 152.389.
Preliminary Site Plan Review Application
Upon approval of a preliminary site plan by the Planning Commission, the applicant may submit a final site plan in accordance with the requirements. Final site plans shall be approved by the Planning Commission, except in the case of a final site plan for a residential open space development, condominium project, or other planned development for which Village Council shall approve or deny, following a review and recommendation by the Planning Commission.
Application submittal: No application shall be considered by the village unless it is accompanied by the following:
- A village application form completed in full by the applicant and signed by all persons, firms or corporations having an ownership interest in the property.
- Fee established by Village Council.
- A preliminary site plan must contain all of the information required by 152.389.
- A final site plan must contain all of the information required by 152.391.
- The applicant must submit four individually folded copies of the site plan on 24-inch by 36-inch sheets and one digital copy.
- A complete application must be submitted to the Zoning Administrator at least thirty (30) business days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the proposal will first be considered.
Preliminary Site Plan Review Process:
- Upon receipt of a complete application, the Zoning Administrator shall transmit the site plan and all accompanying materials to the Planning Commission and any other required parties prior to its next regular meeting. Transmittals shall not be made until all required information is submitted and the necessary fees have been paid in full. The Zoning Administrator shall also schedule consideration of the site plan as an item on the agenda at the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission.
- Planning Commission action. At the first regular meeting at which a preliminary site plan is considered, the Planning Commission shall review the application and relevant issues. The Planning Commission shall then approve, approve with conditions or deny the preliminary site plan. The basis for the decision and any approval conditions shall be specified in the resolution and the meeting minutes and communicated to the applicant in writing. If no action is taken because more information is required from the applicant, the Planning Commission shall table the agenda item to a date certain, which shall be specified in the meeting minutes.
- Approval of a preliminary site plan by the Planning Commission or Village Council, as the case may be, shall indicate its general acceptance of the proposed use, layout of buildings, roads and drives, off-street parking areas, other facilities and the overall character of the proposed development. Upon approval of a preliminary site plan, the applicant may submit a final site plan.
- Approval of a preliminary site plan shall be valid for one calendar year and shall then expire and be of no effect unless an application for final site plan approval is submitted to the Zoning Administrator within that time period. The applicant may extend preliminary site plan approval for one additional year upon written request to the Zoning Administrator and approval by the Planning Commission prior to the original expiration date. The Planning Commission may grant further extensions of preliminary site plan approval in accordance with the procedures noted herein upon a showing of good cause.
The purpose of final site plan review is to confirm compliance with all items and provisions of this chapter and conformance with Village Technical Standards. An impact assessment report may also be required (see § 152.392) at the discretion of the Planning Commission and/or Village Council.
Final Site Plan Review Application
Additional information for final site plan review. Other items required for final site plan review are as follows:
- An impact assessment report as required by 152.392, including a completed environmental permit checklist and hazardous substances reporting form, if applicable, supplied by the Zoning Administrator.
- The Zoning Administrator or Planning Commission may waive or modify the impact assessment report requirements, or accept an impact assessment report previously submitted relative to the site and proposed development, at its discretion;
- Copies of any deed restrictions, easements, protective covenants, master deed or association bylaws affecting the site: and
- Proof that the final site plan has been submitted for review to all other agencies that regulate the proposed development including, but not limited to: the County Road Commission, Health Department, Building Department and Drain Commissioner and the Michigan Department of Transportation and Department of Environmental Quality.
Final Site Plan Review Process:
- Upon receipt of a complete application, the Zoning Administrator shall transmit the site plan and all accompanying materials to the Village Planner, Village Engineer, DPW, Fire Marshal and the Planning Commission prior to its next regular meeting. Transmittals shall not be made until all required information is submitted and the necessary fees have been paid in full. The Zoning Administrator shall also schedule consideration of the site plan as an item on the agenda at the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission.
- Applicant must provide proof that plans were submitted to all other agencies that regulate the proposed development including, but not limited to: County Road Commission, Health Department, Building Department, Drain Commissioner, Michigan Department of Transportation and Department of Environmental Quality.
- The Village Planner and Village Engineer shall review the application to determine compliance with the Zoning Ordinance and Village of Pinckney Technical Standards and submit a written report addressing all issues that must be resolved to the Planning Commission.
- At the first regular meeting at which a final site plan is considered, the Planning Commission shall review the issues identified in the preliminary site plan review, if any, and reports prepared by the Village Planner and Engineer, as well as any other relevant issues. The Planning Commission shall approve, approve with conditions or deny the final site plan. The basis for the approval and any approval conditions shall be specified in the resolution and the meeting minutes, and provided in writing to the Village Council and the applicant. If no action is taken because more information is required from the applicant, the Planning Commission shall table the agenda item to a date certain, which shall be specified in the meeting minutes.
- Approval of a final site plan by the Planning Commission shall indicate that the proposal is in compliance with the Village Zoning Ordinance and any conditions imposed thereunder.
- After the Planning Commission has taken final action on a site plan and all necessary steps have been completed, the Zoning Administrator shall mark three copies of the plans approved or denied, as appropriate, with the date that action was taken. One marked copy shall be returned to the applicant and the other two copies shall be kept on file in the Village Hall. Copies of the village stamped plans shall be the only plans used during construction.
- Approval of a final site plan shall be valid for one calendar year, and shall then expire and be of no effect unless a building permit, when required, is applied for and granted within that time period. Approval shall expire and be of no effect 545 days following date of approval by the Planning Commission, unless construction has begun and is being diligently pursued in accordance with the approved site plan. The applicant may extend final site plan approval for one additional year upon written request to the Zoning Administrator and approval by the Planning Commission, prior to the original expiration date. The Planning Commission may grant further extensions of final site plan approval in accordance with the procedures noted herein upon a showing of good cause.
- Final site plan approval shall be revoked if construction of the development is not in conformance with the approved plans. The Zoning Administrator shall give the applicant written notice of intention to revoke the land use permit at least ten business days prior to review of the proposed revocation by the Planning Commission. After conclusion of the review, the Planning Commission may revoke its approval of the development if it determines that a violation in fact exists and has not been remedied prior to the hearing. Enforcement proceedings shall also apply per §§ 022(B) and 152.999.
- The decision of the Planning Commission with regard to the site plan may be appealed to the Zoning Board of Appeals, upon written request by the property owner or proprietor. In the absence of an appeal being filed with the village within 20 business days after the Planning Commission renders a decision, the decision shall become and remain final.
Flowchart – Site Plan Review Process
Environmental Checklist
Special Land Use Application & Process:
Sections 152.241 and 152.242 contain general procedures and standards that apply to all special land uses. Section 152.243 contains specific standards that apply only to the following special land uses.
Special Land Use Permit Application

Application submittal: No application shall be considered by the village unless it is accompanied by the following:
- A village application form completed in full by the applicant and signed by all persons, firms or corporations having an ownership interest in the property.
- A preliminary site plan containing all of the information required by 152.389.
- A written statement by the applicant and any supporting evidence explaining how the special land use will comply with the following.
- The general criteria in 152.242.
- The specific criteria in 152.243 as applicable.
- A processing fee as established by the Village Council.
- An application for a residential open space development shall also include a parallel site plan prepared incompliance with 152.353(A).
- Previous request made: Yes/No
Flowchart – Special Land Use Permit Review Process
- The Zoning Administrator shall transmit the full special land use permit application to the Planning Commission for review. The Planning Commission shall fix a reasonable time for a public hearing. The Zoning Administrator shall provide notice of the public hearing in accordance with the requirements of 152.022(C).
- Upon conclusion of the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall deny or approve, with or without conditions, the special land use permit. If no decision is made at the advertised hearing, disposition of the case must be set to a date certain at that time, and this date must be clearly stated in the meeting minutes. Planning Commission decision: Deny/Approve/Approve with conditions
In the case of special land use permit applications for a marihuana establishment, residential open space development, condominium project, or other planned development, the Planning Commission shall make a recommendation to the Village Council to deny or approve, with or without conditions. A summary of the Planning Commission recommendation and comments submitted at the public hearing shall be transmitted with the special land use permit application and staff report to the Village Council. The Village Council may hold additional public hearings if it considers it necessary. The Village Council shall make a decision upon each case within 60 days of the Planning Commissions recommendation or refer the proposal back to the Planning Commission for further consideration, unless additional time is granted by the applicant. Village Council decision: Deny/Approve/Send back to Planning Commission for further consideration.
- Permit expiration. A special land use permit issued pursuant to this subchapter shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance. If construction has not commenced and proceeded meaningfully toward completion by the end of this one-year period, the Zoning Administrator shall notify the applicant in writing, no more than 30 days before the expiration date, that upon expiration, the permit will become null and void.
Zoning Amendment (Rezoning) Application
Sign Permit Application
Sign Ordinance: Signs-ordinance
In 2009, an ordinance was enacted to allow the Village Council to serve as the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA).
Zoning Board of Appeals Application
ZBA Bylaws
Application for waiver of Tech Standards
Land Division (Lot Split)
Land Division Application
Collection Bins:
Collection Bins Ordinance
Collection Bin Permit Application
Chicken Permit application
Backyard Chicken Neighbor Consent
Chicken permit-Request for Annual Renewal
Village of Pinckney Complaint Form
Complaint form-fillable
Sidewalk Cafe:
Sidewalk Cafe Permit
Sidewalk Cafe Ordinance: Sidewalk Cafe Ordinance
Driveway Permit / Work in Right of Way (ROW):
Application for Authorization to Construct Utilities, Excavate or Perform Work in Village Streets or Right-of-Way
ROW Permit Application
2024 List of Approved Sealers
Pavement Sealant Applicator Registration (For Sealant Companies Only)
Application for Land Use Permit Waiver for Pavement/driveway Sealcoating
Sewer & Water Connections:
W&S Connection Application
Water Meter Installation/Purchase
Sample Maintenance Agreements:
Note: These agreements are not all ‘one size fits all’, and are provided as a starting point.
Stormwater Operation and Maintenance Agreement Sample
Fire Hydrant Maintenance Agreement Sample
Driveway Culvert Maintenance Agreement Sample
Sanitary Monitoring Manhole Maintenance Agreement Sample
Separator Interceptor Comminutor Maintenance Agreement Sample